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"What is a Book?" - a course team-taught with Beverly Rogers and UNLV Special Collections exploring the materiality of texts. Students created public exhibitions for their final projects.

I teach a wide variety of courses, from required surveys of American literature to special-topics electives on music and literature. Collaboration and community engagement are central to my teaching. I have team-taught courses and invite both faculty and community leaders to guest lecture and share their expertise. I guide my students through research projects that connect them to the cultural history of Las Vegas. Using UNLV Special Collections, students have written essays, developed podcasts, and designed dynamic digital research assignments, and they have written reviews of concerts and plays produced locally in Las Vegas. For my graduate students, I create professional development opportunities by inviting them to lecture, to serve as research assistants, and to co-author articles.

Selected Courses


  • Modernist Theatre and Performance

  • Sound, Music, and 20C American Literature

  • Bibliography and Methods



  • Jazz and American Literature, 1918–present

  • What is a book? The Materiality of Texts

  • Modern American Novel: 1919-1952

  • Modern American Drama: Theatre and Performance 1920–present

  • Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism

  • Survey of American Literature I, beginnings to 1865

  • Survey of American Literature II, 1865 to present

  • World Literature II, Enlightenment to present

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